
Archive for October, 2018

If you look at History all the worst dictators accomplished one thing , they divided the country against itself, look at what is going on in the US right now, our country is becoming more and more divided everyday. The media is being manipulated to focus on issues to get to not pay attention to what is really going on. The GOP fully backs tRump now, they want to outlaw abortion again, they want to reverse the decision on same sex marriage, they want to levy less and less taxes in the rich, the want Christianity to be added to our constitution. They believe tRump will help them accomplish this. They new focus is to cut all so called entitlements.

They are making these changes behind our backs while the media all focus on the major news of the day/week. Look at the news, and Social Networking, what is the main focus on right now, no one is talking about the Mueller Investigation, no one is talking about the Children who now number up to 10,000 and growing, the Feds are discussing building internment camps to house them, we haven’t had internment camps in the US since WWII when we went after the Japanese. Racism is on the rise again and the racists groups have come back out in the open.

We are losing all respect in the world, yes, the stock market is strong but who really benefits by that, not the average person, that is truly a rich mans game. Yes, unemployment is low, but wages are not a the levels they need to be. Housing, and Rent costs are growing out of control, inflation is at it’s highest level in six years, and predicted to grow to 10% due to all the tariffs.

Economists are predicting another recession sometime in 2020, because the current economy is not sustainable long term.

We are insulting every person who has been sexually assaulted or raped, even attacking them.

We are reversing pollution controls, we are no longer working on development of alternative energy sources, instead going back to focusing our dependence on fossil fuels.

I for one am truly concerned about our country, we need to somehow spread this concern across our country, that we are headed for disaster!

Okay time to get off of my soapbox.

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